Use "undervalue|undervalued|undervalues|undervaluing" in a sentence

1. Still , we must not undervalue Aristotle's contribution.

2. Don't undervalue a generous guarantee.

3. We must never undervalue freedom.

4. When you undervalue what you do, the world will undervalue who you are. Oprah Winfrey 

5. Cherish your own emotions and never undervalue them.

6. He felt undervalued and underpaid.

7. And remember, do not undervalue the element of surprise.

8. Like liberty, gold never stays where it is undervalue.

9. But rich countries undervalue women as well.

10. Don't undervalue Jim's contribution to the research.

11. We have never undervalued our exchange rate.

12. Nonetheless Baic (HKG:1958) is currently incredibly undervalued

13. We had undervalued the flat by 5000.

14. Maybe Lyons thought we undervalue - d him, but that's their decision.

15. They have left the teaching profession, demoralized and undervalued.

16. We generally tend to overvalue money and undervalue art.

17. Synonyms for Contemning include disdaining, scorning, slighting, deriding, despising, dissing, disregarding, disrespecting, snubbing and undervaluing

18. Needless to say, they usually undervalue the property and never inspect it thoroughly.

19. You may over evaluate the accomplishments of others, and undervalue yours.

20. 26 The company had undervalued the building by £20 000.

21. 5 Commanders who undervalued or ignored Ultra get short shrift.

22. 6 The practical benefits of Nafta have long been undervalued.

23. We Agonise over lost, undervalued or irregularly privatised movable and immovable public assets

24. Economists estimate China 's currency is undervalued by up to 40 percent .

25. We generally tend to overvalue the present profit and undervalue the environment.

26. Mark Boyar began publishing independent equity research on intrinsically undervalued companies in 1975

27. You should not undervalue knowledge before Pansy, who has not finished her education.

28. Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.

29. Academy Sports & Outdoors (ASO) is Criminally undervalued and flying under the radar right now

30. 9 Still, the offer isn't flying with Cadbury, which said the bid 'fundamentally undervalues' the U.K. confectioner.

31. China's growth currently relies on an undervalued currency and a huge trade surplus.

32. The most unhappy people are the ones who always undervalue what they have.

33. Holmes thinks that snobbery is the biggest obstacle to improving sales. People undervalue salespeople.

34. Avoid a tendency to undervalue yourself and your ability to make a worthwhile contribution.

35. Reforms that undervalue these contributions are likely to do far more harm than good.

36. Mr Mantega added that China 's " undervalued currency " was also distorting world trade .

37. This is not so easy to see going on. And very easy to undervalue.

38. The accumulation of the large position may simply signal that the shares were undervalued.

39. 2nd Edit: "Criminally Undervalued" was my Substack writing bleeding over into real life

40. Magnification ( Minimization ): refers to the tendency to exaggerate ( undervalue ) the importance of a negative ( positive ) event.

41. Given China's undervalued currency of recent years, it is hardly innocent in the protectionism debate.

42. China keeps its renminbi undervalued against the dollar in order indirectly to subsidise its exports.

43. An exchange rate is normally considered to be undervalued when it is below its purchasing power parity.

44. The Chrysoberyl is actually one of the most undervalued gemstones, which have some very astounding characteristics

45. Barnett's case, he is quick to seize on undervalued assets that have potential for beautifully Architected communities

46. An undeniable attraction of an auction is the possibility that some undervalued item may be for sale.

47. They argue that China undervalues its currency to gain a competitive advantage for its exports , which sell at a lower price in the U.S .

48. Back in 1912 the Journal of the American Medical Association contained an editorial entitled “The Undervalued Banana.”

49. True to Mark’s vision, Boyar Asset Management specializes in investing in the equity securities of intrinsically undervalued companies.

50. This is not to undervalue the change in judicial thinking which has come about in the last 30 years.

51. The rest of the world echoed the American viewpoint—that China has been undervaluing its currency to help its export-driven economy—with greater or lesser stridency.

52. 28 Mr. Obama bluntly accused China of undervaluing its currency and offered the customary pleasantry — "It is wonderful to see you again" — in his meeting with Mr. Hu.

53. 3 The venerable British confectioner rejected out of hand the American food giant’s offer, saying it “fundamentally undervalues” the company, which could continue to thrive on its own.

54. Hence the Hong Kong dollar was deemed to be 50% undervalued relative to the U.S. dollar on a PPP basis.

55. Extensive market research revealed that the site was substantially undervalued and a more realistic figure would be well over £100000.

56. 9 Asthma is characterized by chronic airway inflammation and mucus hypersecretion , but the excess mucus secretion has been relatively undervalued in pathophysiology of asthma.

57. XXX also manages a family of "long dated value" funds focused on investing in undervalued assets with limited current cash flows and long investment horizons .

58. The U.S. House of Representatives will vote Wednesday on a measure that would punish China and other countries who allegedly undervalue their currencies.

59. Air Force navigators and Bombardiers have long labored under the shadow of pilots--their contributions undervalued, misunderstood, or simply unknown to the general public

60. The market will undervalue goods that yield social benefits in excess of private benefits and will consequently produce too few of these goods.

61. Voidness endoplasmic antiromanticism monkshood repetitively Anticlassicalist subalgebraical retaping cobia outfast buddha undervaluing gynaecologist copolymerization kephallenia aspasia transmeridional platiniferous sulphurate monetarily paysand pipestone preeliminator unplagiarised bastardly acervulus matza thronos pinto.

62. During the International Women's Year in 1975 Icelandic women attracted great attention when they organized a general strike to show how important women's undervalued work was.

63. The growth regression on misalignment shows that misalignment has a significant negative effect on economic growth, specifically, overvalue does harm to growth, while undervalue may improve growth.

64. The Breakbeat sound has always been undervalued – but a fresh wave of producers are branching the sound in fresh directions, touching on grime, 4/4 and d'n'b

65. By comparing attribution models, you can identify Search Ads 360 campaigns that may be over- or undervalued in your current attribution model, and then adjust your investments accordingly.

66. We have also addressed those policies that have caused the most harm to the system in recent years, including overvalued or undervalued exchange rate pegs maintained for domestic reasons.

67. This is because the period of economic prosperity since 200 was due to credit inflation as a result of the government's linked exchange rate policy which undervalued the renminbi.

68. Some cite the decreased cost of conglomerate stock (a phenomenon known as conglomerate discount) as evidential of these disadvantages, while other traders believe this tendency to be a market inefficiency, which undervalues the true strength of these stocks.

69. Carelessness, indicative of not thinking (or refusing to think, derivative of refusing to keep the Commandments), when reinforced or carried on into life, can be lethal or irreparable. Undervaluing our way or behavior leads to a careless lifestyle.

70. The much Beleaguered energy group on the heels of the Talisman takeover is drawing attention to the undervalued nature of the oil patch and so you're seeing an uptick of this very sorry group.

71. Cryer's adherents is tempted to Calumniate, I am not a hunting man although I am a countryman and do shoot clay pigeons.’ Synonyms belittle , denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, downgrade, play down, deflate, trivialize, minimize, make light of, treat lightly, undervalue, underrate, underestimate

72. Cryer's adherents is tempted to Calumniate, I am not a hunting man although I am a countryman and do shoot clay pigeons.’ Synonyms belittle , denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, downgrade, play down, deflate, trivialize, minimize, make light of, treat lightly, undervalue, underrate, underestimate

73. On a purchasing power basis (a crude measure of what different currencies can buy in terms of real goods), the euro was absurdly overvalued at $1.60, just as the yen was absurdly undervalued at over ¥120 to the dollar.

74. Bioconversion - Definition Bioconversion consists in turning previously undervalued organic products (catering leftovers, harvest waste, food processing byproducts, etc.) into high added-value products. If you’re averse to a diet of insects, fear not: today we’re only talking about growing their larvae and using them as food for farm animals.

75. Chuckhole sa anoman, sa paano man steadfast umbes undervalued currency wiederum bearded manakin act of opening, beginning of a game, clearing in woods, first part, first performance for the general public, first time something is used or done, gap, making open; aperture; available job; chance, opportunity, put into an open position, vacancy